 More Rikers Island Missing Mural Mystery!
True Story: Pauper Civil War Vet Hart Island Burial |
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NYC DOC IT's Mile Moreno Memories of 9/11/01
-- 9/11/01 -- NYC DOC: We Were There!
C.O. Green
C.O. Fernandezinstagram免费永久加速器 |
C.O. Hanberry
C.O. Vernon
Website's ACF bicentennial display spotlights historian John N. Miskell's works. |
To list of dozen+ Auburn Prison historian Miskell-related presentations on this website.
3 notorious murders & Auburn's electric chair |
To Auburn Prison history quiz based on this website's Miskell-related presentations.

DOC's 2017 5K Run Began in 1979
Click left for 2017 5K video. <---> Click right for story of 1979 start. |
Links, Status, Admins, Counts |
Leprosy & 1st Rikers inmates: 2 Old Clippings Trigger 'New' Inquiry - Slides Spinoff |
'The Unwanted Island of the Unwanted?' PDF version of PowerPt Presentation. |
To: C.O. Steffi's
Fotos at Celebrate Israel Day Parade
Internet Explorer & Foxfire Browser Users, Click Here for Web page |
| Chrome & Opera Browser Users, Click Here for PDF version | | PDF also works with Internet Explorer & Opera but their standard web page format somewhat smoother. | instagram免费永久加速器
You may be asked to open it, save, or save and open. Whenever you seek to open it, a security option boxappears. Click "Read Only." Don't see security box? Minimize open window(s) to find it. |
NYCHS mourns passing of former Commissioner Catherine M. Abate: 4/20/92 - 3/26/94 at NYC DOC |
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Silver Medal of Valor Returns to DOC . . . 83 years Later |
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| Female Inmate Sets Self Aflame in 1875 Harlem Jail; Responding Keeper Drops Dead. |
"Bill" Mendoza contributed 4 of our web site's "Mystery Photos." He also appeared in 2 others as well, including the original one which began the series.
 Click for his In Memoriam page.
The NY Correction
History web site mourns the passing of Retired ADW
William Mendoza.
To: Benjamin Ward Rikers Central Visit Building Dedication page
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50+ NYC DOC uniform patches, past and current.
How many of 80+ names in Jan.1995 Correction News Dateline do you recognize?
To excerpts from November 1993 Correction News Dateline issue.
Mystery photo of DOC responders to Nov. 24, 1975 Rikers Island riot/hostage siege: Where was pix taken? What area, what jail?
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NYC DOC Medal Day 2011 |
booklet In Memoriam list.
|  |
DOC 1st Vets Day Parade: 11/11/11.
Warden Roth would have loved it.
Images of DOC 1st Vets Day Parade.
Facebook comments loved it. Read them.
Click image right for 10/12/2011 salute to NYCD Columbia Assn. Chaplain Emeritus
| He died 10/18/2011. Click image left for 16 'Fond Farewell, Father Charlie' photos.
DOC Mystery Photo #17: Recruiting Promo Pix from a Generation Ago
This Labor Day recall 72 killed en route to Rikers prison site in 1932
| 2011:
NYCDOC 9-11 images in memory of WTC attack
AMKC COs Patrick Coffey & J. B. Brown retire after DOC service totaling 71+ years!
Facebook member? If so, consider joining our NY Correction History FB group.
2 dozen+ images and the music to view them with this July 4th weekend
East River Isle double hanging helped end NY public spectacle
Dinos extinct? Hunt on forDOC variety. Look for tell-tale pin.
Visit C.O. McCall's YouTube Channel of great NYC DOC videos.
CANVA软件下载-安卓版CANVAapp免费下载 - QQ极客:2021-6-12 · 《CANVA》这是一款能够用来规划各种图文、海报的修改软件,有了这款软件,即便小伙伴们不是专业的规划师,也能够轻轻松松制造出以一张张精巧的海报出来,一起在软件中你还能够设置许多服装规划、平面规划等等,功用
See slides of 2011 Women's History Month March 24th Rikers Island.
xxx For names of Correction History women in animation right, click image. >>>> |  |



Electrocutions |
1940 NYS Sheriff Association Convention Journal photos & text |
 DOC coloring book; downloadable versions. |

DOC Centennial
 2006 newsletter
PDF newsletter reviews 150 pages added to NYCHS web site during 2010.
2009 lookback
xxx |
See invitation to, program for 1930 NYC DOC Prison Keepers graduation |
1930 NYC Department of Correction Prison Keepers Training School Graduation Photo
Correction Olympics' Committee's 1981 C-71 Reunion Album: 25 Photos, Many Names, Some Tributes |
From Toulon's Treasure Trove of NYC Correction Photos: 100+ images
67 images of 1920s landfilling. 3 versions: HTML or PDF or PPSX (PPT)
Ex-DOC Dep. Commissioner Turso Honored as DSNY Columbia Assn. 'Man of Year.'
8-page web reproduction of March 1982 NYC DOC newsletter Inside Out: all images, full texts
4-page web reproduction of May 1973 COBA newsletter COBA News: all images, full texts |

Above: Click image left for PDF summary. <---> Click image right for detailed web 8-pager. |
The Cemetery Within a Cemetery: Soldiers' Plot in Potter's Field
Thank you:
Eileen McHugh, Mike Pettigrass &
Arcadia Publishing
for acknowledging & its pages devoted to Auburn prison history by John N. Miskell (far right).
April 12, 1903 Newspaper Report on NYC DOC Lessons for Abusive Husbands |
|  |

Meet Al Margolis, the 'Mench' in DOC Fiscal 40+ Years
 A Rikers Island Employee ID Card? Yes. Meet George Rothaizer Who Had One |
 Lookback at Scenes on NYC Reformatory's New Hampton Farms
 | |
* - Mogul and Friend.
* - Goord departs DOCS after 32 yrs, 10 heading it.
* - Goord's good-byes: To Pataki, DOCS, ASCA
* - Leclaire named Goord successor.
| |
NYS Correction 40-Year Look-back:
1970 Beacon Academy Photo |

Looking back 100 Years: 1870 - 1970.

A look at where NYS Correction facilities were in 1970
19th Century Correction photos shown at state fair circa 1970. |

Rikers Penitentiary Cornerstone 'Inside Story'.
Another Reason for Thanksgiving in 2009: That Some People Care.

John Miskell's Better Than Hanging

Saluting NY's Reform School Ship as SUNY Maritime College Ancestor?
Click image above left for PDF summary. <---> Click image above right for detailed web 8-parter. |

Clue to Hart glass slide photo? |

Fingerprint Update |

14 aerial photo close-up views. |
Founding NYCHS trustees confer (1999): Then long-time Board of Correction member Barbara Margolis and then NYC DOC First Deputy Commissioner Gary Lanigan.
 Click image for Bobbie's Vera obit. Use browser's back button to return.
Barbara Margolis:
NYCHS Founding Trustee
We mourn our loss.
We celebrate her life.
Dr. Dora B. Schriro, 1985 - 1989
For Special
'Comes Home'
To NYC Dept.
Of Correction: as Commissioner.
Son Searches
for ID of Mom's
Portrait Painter
Who Was
Fellow Inmate
of Her Uncle
at Dannemora
|  |
Rikers Island
Bd./Dept. of Ed.
Schools' 50th
Noted at
Horizon Academy
2009 Graduation

Foursome of Ticket Firsts:
Sarah Palin, Geraldine Ferraro . . .
Katharine Bement Davis? Mary M. Lilly?
Suffrage & Correction Histories Intersections.
With NYC Reformatory & NYS Dannemora inmates, Ernest W. Blue cleared woods outside the walls. |
Click image to access stories on Ernest W. Blue & Robert Rosenbluth's forestry camps for prisoners.
Cattaraugus County Timeline of Executions.

12 such murder cases in 70 years: Dec. 18, 1869 thru Dec. 9, 1939

From Ret. ADW Mendoza
Mystery photo: When female officers could wear skirts. Click ---> |
Mystery photo 2: When Jackie McMickens posed with pipe band at ferry slip. Click ---> |

Including a "virtual tour" of Elizabethtown old jail.
History conference slide show.
Rediscovering NYS' Mostly Forgotten 1st Penitentiary: Newgate in NYCW. David Lewis book excerpts |
 中国版instagram app-中国版instagram app最新版安卓v1.0.0 ...:2021-6-14 · 中国版instagram app是很受欢迎的社交平台,它的交友形似非常的靠谱。平台源自于国外,但经过汉化之后,更适合国内交流。其商业元素在经过汉化之后,去掉了很多,变成了较为纯粹的交友平台,主要目的就是扩展大家的朋友圈。 |
 Lewis' book |
instagram加速器安卓下载 hosts New York Correction History Society web pages.
E-mail webmaster Thomas C. McCarthy at  |